LSS Faith Mission Supportive Services for Veteran Families
Provides rent assistance only to veterans in Franklin County through telephone applications. Also provides help with workforce, food, mental health, finding affordable housing, transportation, and utility assistance. In some cases can provide rent support for 24 months.
LSS 211 Central Ohio
Find the help you need. Connecting residents in Franklin County with comprehensive and up-to-date information about social, health and government services.
Franklin County Department of Job & Family Services
Provides rent assistance to Franklin County tenants with a minor child in the household through a downloadable application. Help is available in English, Spanish, Somali, and interpretation services are available. Also provides workforce, food, utility, reentry, youth support, and driver’s license reinstatement.
Franklin County Veterans Service Commission
Only provides rent assistance to tenant veterans or service members through online or telephone applications. Also offer financial counseling, utility assistance, and help with food or transportation needs.